I live in Hall County Georgia. We just moved here and didn’t vote here in 2020. Can I still demand this if I didn’t vote in the election here and do I have to do it in writing or I do I just walk into Hall County Sheriff office and make demands...I’m kind of tired of waiting on someone to fix this for us!

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

Great writing JB!! This needs to be spread far and wide in Georgia! Can I share on my Twitter feed?? (SailingMom728)

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Thank you JB for sharing your thoughts on this, reverberating my same sentiments after watching 2,000 mules. Abhorrently sickening it is to watch as it demonstrates to anyone with an iota od discernment, just how deeply infiltrated our governments have become.

Surely bribery, coercion or outright blackmail has compromised the vast majority of our law enforcement and legislatures from Town to County and State levels.

It is time we start amassing and documenting evidence against those who chose not to act when enforcing the LAW.

Living in NY, the uniparty of Rinos and dems is terribly entrenched. Local business owners and farmers are so outraged at the level of taxation tgat prople in UpState now see that the tide has receeded so far the boats are stranded high on sandbars, sure sign a psunami is coming, even in NY.

I believe there will be a flood of votes to push these criminals out. I believe that if enough get out and VOTE, we will overwhelm their ability to cheat and make up the difference.

Till then we call out the lies, their lack of action, and speak the TRUTH at every turn. Our voice grows in amplitude with every single person added and those numbers ARE GROWING DAILY!

We are in a Devolution sandwich. Thanks for so eloquently echoing The General's call to action. Top down AND bottom up persistent pressure for the long haul is what this 5th generational war requires of us. Team up locally, speak up, and act!

Bless you JB,

Your brother in Christ,


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Right on!

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